8 Tips For Soothing Your Teething Baby

8 Tips For Soothing Your Teething Baby

Teething can be a challenging time for both babies and parents. As your little one’s teeth start to emerge, the accompanying discomfort can lead to fussiness, irritability, and disrupted sleep. Understanding how to soothe your teething baby can make this developmental milestone easier for everyone. Here are eight effective strategies to help ease teething and keep your baby comfortable.

  1. Teething Toys

    Why They Work: Teething toys provide a safe and effective way for babies to chew, helping to relieve gum pain and pressure. Those that can be chilled in the refrigerator can help cool the gums and reduce swelling.

    Tips: Look for BPA-free, non-toxic teething toys that are easy for little hands to grasp. Options with different textures can offer varied sensations that may help soothe your baby's gums more effectively.

  2. Cold Washcloths

    Why They Work: The temperature cools the gums, providing relief from the pain and swelling.

    Tips: Soak a clean washcloth in water, wring it out, and place it in the refrigerator for about 15-30 minutes. Allow your baby to chew on the chilled cloth under supervision.

  3. Gum Massage

    Why It Works: Massaging your baby’s gums can help reduce discomfort by applying gentle pressure.

    Tips: Wash your hands thoroughly and use a clean finger to rub your baby’s gums in a circular motion. You could use our Hyland’s Organic Baby Soothing Gels and Drops (links) as lubricants to easily glide across the gums. Bonus tip: try keeping the soothing gel in the fridge to help cool the gums, too.

  4. Teething Biscuits

    Why They Work: These biscuits are designed to be hard enough to provide relief through chewing but soft enough to dissolve safely in your baby’s mouth.

    Tips: Ensure that the biscuits are made from safe, baby-friendly ingredients and always supervise your baby while they are eating to prevent choking.

  5. Chilled Foods

    Why They Work: Refrigerated foods can help cool the gums and provide relief from teething pain.

    Tips: If your baby is already eating solid foods, offer chilled purees, yogurt, or small pieces of soft fruit like bananas or cucumbers. Avoid giving any food that poses a choking hazard.

  6. Breastfeeding or Bottle-Feeding

    Why It Works: Sucking can provide comfort and temporarily distract your baby from teething pain.

    Tips: If your baby is breastfeeding, allow them to nurse more frequently for comfort. For bottle-fed babies, ensure the bottle is at a comfortable temperature.

  7. Pain Relief Medications

    Why They Work: Over-the-counter medications can help provide relief from teething pain if your baby is still in great discomfort.

    Tips: Pain relievers such as Acetaminophen can be generally considered if baby is at least 2 months old, and Ibuprofen if over 6 months old. Alternatively, soothe your teething little one’s swollen, irritated gums with Hyland’s Baby Oral Pain Relief (Link) tablets. These quick-dissolving homeopathic tablets are gentle and made without Benzocaine and Belladonna. Always consult your pediatrician before giving any medication to your baby. Use infant-specific products and follow the dosage instructions carefully.

  8. Distraction and Comfort

    Why It Works: Sometimes, distraction can be the best remedy. Engaging your baby in play or comforting activities can help take their mind off the discomfort.

    Tips: Spend extra time cuddling, singing, reading, or playing with your baby. Gentle rocking or a warm bath can also help soothe and calm them.


Teething is a natural part of your baby’s growth, but it can come with its own set of challenges. By using a combination of these effective strategies, you can provide the comfort and relief your baby needs as they navigate this important developmental milestone. Remember to consult with your pediatrician if you have any concerns or if your baby’s symptoms seem severe. With your support and a little patience, your baby will soon be flashing a toothy grin!